To star with, I hope you're enjoying your week so far. It's astounding to believe I've been making pancake specials on here for TWO YEARS in a row. It's mad. It feels like only last week I was devising a recipe post on pancakes. If you're new here, welcome to BakingBoutique's Pancake Special. As of this year, I'll be concocting American-styled BLUEBERRY pancakes which should be amusing. So, let's get right into it.
In order to put together these American-styled pancakes,you'll need:
200g of self-raising flour(this depends on how many pancakes you'll like to make)
1 tsp of baking powder
300ml of milk
a knob of butter
1 egg
150g of blueberries
golden syrup or honey to drizzle
Method(a.k.a the FUN PART):
Begin by mixing together the flour,baking powder and a pinch of salt in a fairly sizeable bowl.
Beat the egg into the milk, forging a well in the centre of the flour mix in order to whisk in the milk mix. Beat to make a smooth batter
Eventually, eat in the melted knob of butter,gently stiring half of the blueberries.
Finally, heat a tablespoons or two of oil into a frying pan,dolloping at least one large tablespoon of pancake batter into the pan.
Cook for approximately three minutes until bubbles begin to form on the surface of each pancake. Flip the pancake over and cook for a further 2-3 minutes until golden brown.
A good trick is to cover the pancakes with kitchen paper to retain their warmth while you fry the rest of the pancakes.
Serve as desired although I opted to sprinkle blueberries over the top and slightly drizzle with maple syrup.ππ

Before you leave...
Below is the links of several other pancake recipes I've used previously or are foolproof, in my opinion anyways:
Pancake Recipe from 2017
Pancakes from 2016 here↓↓ I wasn't so good @ baking back thenππ
Pumpkin Pancake Recipe(credits to Cupcake Jemma)
And even cuter, Blueberry Pancake CUPCAKESππ
Song of the month(jamming to this in the kitchen)
Adestp X ZieZie X Scratch-Hello
Book of the month: Crown Of Midnight
Further serving suggestions for pancakes:

That's a wrap! I'll see you all shortly with my Valentine's Special Post!
#sweetreats xx
Mmm These look so tasty!
Thank you.ππ
Delete#sweetreats xx
These look yummy! I make American pancakes sometimes too. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)