Saturday, 28 May 2016

Recipe Post N0.18- Bluest Blueberries and vanilla muffins!


I apologize for posting this week's post at a late time. However, I have been occupied with organising baking posts for next week and the week after as well as completing homework for the half term.

Moving on, this muffin recipe makes the maximum of 18 muffins. On the other hand, I had made around 12-15. It is definitely the perfect way to end a brillant month filled with warm weather besides my obsession for fruity muffins.

In order to make these craving muffins, you'll need:
• 125g/4 1/2oz of self-raising flour

• 1/2tsp of baking powder
• 70g of caster sugar
• 85g/3oz of blueberries
• 2tsp of vanilla extract
• 1egg
• 125ml/4fl oz of buttermilk(this simply can be made using lemon and milk)
•2tbsp of vegetable oil
• vanilla sugar, for dusting
• Baking/Greaseproof paper.
• Scissors
• Ruler
• Medium sized mixing bowl
• Sieve
• Dessertspoon


Firstly, pre-heat the oven to 190°c/375°F/Gas Mark 5. Using a pair of scissors (ask for adult's help if under the age of 10), cut out  28 × 9-cm/ 3 1/2in squares
from baking paper. Push the squares firmly into 2×12 section mini muffin tons,creating squares to fit in order to form paper cases. Do not worry if your handmade "paper cases" lift out of their sections- the weight of the mixture will keep them in place.

In addition to this, sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing
bowl. Afterwards, strir in the sugar and blueberries. Separately in another mixing bowl (be EXTRA-prepared), beat together the vanilla extract, egg, buttermilk;set of instructions shall be included in a link at the very end) and oil with a fork until evenly combined.

Tip the buttermilk mixture into the flour. With the dessertspoon, fold in the unmixed ingredients until only just mixed; do not over-blend the ingredients otherwise, the muffins shalln't be as light).

Spoon the mixture into the paper cases until they are levelled with the tin. Sprinkle with a pinch of vanilla sugar,wish them luck and bake them inside the oven for around 15 minutes or when they
 have risen and are firm to touch. Once they're baked, leave in the tin for 2 minutes before transferring them onto a cooling rack. Personally, I prefer to eat them warm as the taste absolutely delicious and "heartwarming". But, you can serve cold with a further sprinkle of vanilla sugar.

This recipe shall always be a favorite of mine for as long as I bake muffins! I hope you enjoy this recipe too. 

A few notices...

💗 I am definitely loving new blog posts from Zoella, One Girl Blogger,Lailbee and The Sunday Mode. You should definitely check out their blogs.

 💗 Who's looking forward to the  newest Harry Potter book?

 💗 Any of you a fan of BGT?

💗 Link to Buttermilk recipe, click here!  

💗 My song of the week is... Ariana Grande Into You. I just love the sound of the song and it's so catchy so I can't get it out of my head!

💗 Have an amazing half term and weekend. See ya!

#sweetreats xx

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Blueberry Muffins! I have been waiting patiently for anyone to post a recipe on making blueberries muffins and now, you have!!!

    BBB xxx
