Saturday, 13 January 2018

Post N0.1 2018- Plans for 2018

What's crack-a-lackin fellow friends!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Happy New Year! To tell you the truth, I'm extremely thrilled for the new year. And obviously,  I have many arrangements for BakingBoutique 2018, some which I'm sure you'd be pleased by.   

One detail from 2017 which I'd like to adjust is the consistency of my posts. One week I'd have a post without pictures and only get round to uploading pictures like three weeks later.Plus, the amount of times I've burdened you all with apologises isn't good enough. So as of now, I'm changing the schedule of my posts:

I intend on posting with pictures at least two blog posts per month, alongside two additional posts of indefinite choice (perhaps an award dedication or an chatty article about baking). That is my target this year;one I wish to withhold.

Unknowingly last year, I had multiple ideas of collaborations on BakingBoutique. However, I hadn't actually pursued them.  Since "serious school season" is fast-approaching, I want to be able to put up content for all to read and enjoy, even when school can be unbearable. To do this,  I had in mind amazing, budding bloggers...? More of collaborations will be shortly.

Expression of my guilt
This leads me onto my next point of uploading content which I'm truly satisfied with. Speaking truthfully, within my two+ years of blogging, publishing posts which aren't to MY personal partiality has been a recent issue. Last year, I was finally beginning to adapt and MANAGE the workload I was receiving. Nonetheless, I blatantly neglected this blog. Behind the scenes, I felt remorse and guilt for not posting things which not only inadequate to you but also myself. In short, this year I pledge to uploading content which pleases me. After all, when I publish a recipe post which isn't to my contentment, that disappointed is displayed on here to you all, as well.

This year, I particularly would like to offer the chance of voicing what type of posts you'd like to read- that doesn't mean that I'm necessarily lacking in inspiration. I just feel the things I's nice at times but it would be nice to have some input. Thereafter,  I wish to hold polls on THIS blog, to gain your opinions on what I shall do next.

Lastly, could someone please let me know in the comments how I can ADD to my Bloglovin feed??πŸ˜•πŸ˜• If you click the little
thumbnail on the homepage of this blog(I'll have a picture now), you visit my Bloglovin page...and as you can see, I haven't uploaded in like 2 years. The reason of this is because I don't know how to upload any of my newer blog posts. So could someone inform me on how to upload my newer content onto my account.

Furthermore, I hope you have a happy weekend and I hope to see you very soon!


#sweetreats xxx


  1. I'm working on being consistent too! My cousin and I are holding ourselves too it.


    1. It's easier said then doneπŸ˜‚πŸ˜…. No, but seriously I've created plans and ideas in hope that my consistency does improve this year. Thanks for your comment.😊😘

      #sweetreats xxx

  2. Keeping up with your consistency in blogging is difficult because you have to be constantly inspired and creative which doesn't always come easy for all of us - I struggle with this too xx

    Beauty & Colour | Vegan Lifestyle Blog

    1. Exactly! And especially with the pressure at school and other outer-school activities, it's difficult to stay consistent. But like I said, it's my GOAL to improve.πŸ‘Š✊ Thanks for commenting, btw.😊😘

      #sweetreats xxx

  3. It's sooo hard to be consistent, I always want to but with other life things it really can be a challenge! But I believe we can both do it! So good luck! Look forward to it :D

    xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT

    1. Exactly! Last year I found it STRENUOUS to keep consistent, especially as I have other commitments outside of school. I think the trick is loyalty. You have to set your priorities right and set targets and boundaries. Good luck to you too and thanks for commenting! 😘😊

      #sweetreats xx

  4. I wish you good luck for all your plans for this year!! Thanks for visiting my blog dear! :) :*

    Milk and Honey?

    1. No problem- your blog's really cool,btw.πŸ˜„πŸ˜Š And thank you. I'm gonna need itπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

      #sweetreats xx

  5. I should be more consistent myself as well! That is one of the my goals for this year! Hope you have the best start in 2018 ♥
    Unfortunately I don't know how Bloglovin works I haven't used it in a very long time :/
    Selina | Selinas Inspiration

    1. Yes, I wish the best of luck for your goals in 2018,too! It's ok if you're unsure about Bloglovin-thanks anyways.πŸ˜€πŸ˜Š Thanks for your comment,Selina!😘

      #sweetreats xx

  6. Yeah, Damn True,its hard to be consistent, We always wanted to but, with another life facts it really can be a challenge!

    Magento plugins

    1. Yes, you know the struggle. But this year for me is about striving and flourishing. In order for me to accomplish my year-long goal, I'm going to need dedication and perseverance,regardless of the long list of titles I need to attend to.πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜• Thanks for commenting😘

      #sweetreats xx

  7. Happy new year! My friend sorts out all the bloglovin' stuff on the blog so I'll tell her about your problem and she'll get in contact if she can help. :)
    Aleeha xXx

    1. Happy (late) New Year to you too!πŸ˜˜πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Thanks so much-I've been having this continual problem with my Bloglovin page for sometime and although attempting to seek help online, nothing's seemed to do the trick.πŸ˜•

      #sweetreats xx

  8. Have you tried disconnecting and reconnecting your blog on bloglovin? Love your blog by the way!
    Lucy xoxo

    1. Thank you so much. And I don't know who to disconnect my blog from Bloglovin...

      #sweetreats xx

    2. Once you've logged in, you can click your profile photo to go to settings and the blogs you have connected to bloglovin will appear in a menu on the left, if your blog's there then you can click on it to get the option to disconnect it and then you can claim it again. If your blog isn't there at all then you can find the option to 'claim your blog'. :)
      I hope this helps but let me know if I can help more!

      Lucy xoxo
